
Hi there! Hope this finds you well.

I'm currently pursuing a Master's Degree in Financial Mathematics, at Miami Herbert Business School, University of Miami in Miami, Florida.

I'm a results-oriented quantitative analyst with a solid foundation in time series analysis and quantitative finance. Possesses a strong understanding of agricultural and precious metals markets, gained through extensive industry research. Proficient in utilizing programming languages and databases for data mining and analysis, and skilled in creating insightful data visualizations using Tableau. Has contributed to multiple investment-related projects, developing practical experience in the field.


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University of Miami Herbert Business School

M.Sc. in Financial Mathematics  

Aug. 2024 - May 2025 (expected)
Miami, Florida, United States

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Guangdong University of Finance and Economics

B.Sc. in Financial Engineering  

Sep. 2020 – Jun. 2024
Guangzhou, Guangdong, China


Personal Interests Keywords

Python, Excel VBA, Stata, Matlab, Tableau, Commodities...


University of Miami
University of Miami Herbert Business School

Student Managed Conviction Fund | Analyst  

Aug 2024 - Present
Miami, Florida, United States · On-site

1. Present as an analyst in Finance & Real Estate Sector, evaluate stocks in the sector and generate reports. 2. Authored valuation reports on an individual stock, with recommended stock successfully included in the initial live portfolio.

Skills: Pricing Analysis, Financial Concepts, Market Pricing, Macroeconomics Analysis, P/E P/B Ratio Evaluation, DCF, DDM

Curveway Confluence Big Data Investment Center
Curveway Confluence Big Data Investment Center

Systems Maintenance Specialist  

Jul 2024 - Present

1. Developed an intelligent quantitative monitoring system based on a lightweight platform, integrated with Lark bot, enabling real-time stock price and quantitative indicator alerts for major domestic listed companies, along with scheduled market data distribution.
2. Developed a multi-term bond arbitrage validation system using Python and Excel based on Chinese and American bond markets, integrating yield curve modeling, forward rate calculations, and Nelson-Siegel fitting to identify arbitrage opportunities and optimize fixed-income strategies.
3. Assist in the daily maintenance of the quantitative analysis module, information system, and subscription system, addressing unexpected issues.
4. Contributed to the company’s website and email system.
5. Continuously participating in the development of new systems and modules.

Skills: Python, Financial Concepts, HTML Emails, JavaScript, Raspberry Pi, HTML, C++, Website Development, CSS, Quantitative Finance

Investment Analysis Assistant  

Dec 2023 - Jul 2024
Guangzhou, Guangdong, China · On-site

1. Built a model using Python to update, cross-verify, and analyze data.
2. Used PCA to predict trends in Southeast Asian markets.
3. Completed commodity analysis on gold and eggs.
4. Developed a quantitative analysis system, a mail subscription & bot push system, and a stock recommendation system.

Skills: Python, Data Analysis, SQL, VBA Excel, Financial Concepts, Quantitative Analytics, Commodity Pricing, Tableau, Industry Analysis, Quantitative Research

Click on the pictures below to see details:

Paradox Interactive
Paradox Interactive

China Community Ambassador  

May 2024 - Present

1. Independently built a QQ Channel community system, creating an efficient communication channel between domestic players and the Stellaris development team.
2. Scraped community comments to generate weekly reports on community sentiment and bug reports.
3. Regularly assisted in translating developer diaries, Q&A, and promotional materials, while addressing player inquiries in the community.

Skills: Community Management, Data Crawling & Analysis, Translation, Technical Writing

Paradox Interactive
Guangdong Haid Group Co., Limited

Commodity Intern  

Jul 2023 - Nov 2023
Guangzhou, Guangdong, China · On-site

1. Refined hedging models and analyzed data for the hog farming department.
2. Used Python and VBA for daily automatic updates of reports.
3. Conducted on-site research on hog farming enterprises.

Skills: Commodity Markets, Python, Data Analysis, VBA Excel, Financial Concepts, Pricing Strategy, Commodity Pricing, Industry Analysis

SusallWave Digital Technology Co., Ltd.
SusallWave Digital Technology Co., Ltd.

ESG Risk Analysis Intern  

Mar 2023 - May 2023
Guangdong, China · On-site

1. Extracted 3000+ negative information pieces from government websites using Requests and Selenium.
2. Conducted correlation analysis among companies using Python and Apriori algorithm.

Skills: Web Crawling, Python, Data Analysis


Data Assistant  

Oct 2022 - Apr 2023
Guangzhou, Guangdong, China · Remote

1. Expanded industry database categories and improved data for six databases.
2. Used Python to collect, organize, and normalize 169,700 index entries.

Skills: Data Mining, Python, Data Analysis, SQL


Artificial Intelligence and Quantitative Finance

Chapter Author - Chapter 7: Principal Component Analysis (PCA)  

Book Contribution
Publisher: Tsinghua University Press
Expected Publication: February 2025

Authored Chapter 7, titled “Principal Component Analysis (PCA),” which explores PCA as a dimensionality reduction technique for extracting essential information from high-dimensional datasets. The chapter includes the theoretical foundation, practical implementation, and applications in financial data processing, such as data cleaning, standardization, feature extraction, risk management, and portfolio construction. Python code examples and visual aids are provided to enhance understanding and practical application.


2022 Contemporary Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling | Captain  

Jul 2022 - Sep 2022

Selected Prompt: Compositional Analysis and Identification of Glass Artifacts

  • Analyzed the correlation between surface weathering of glass artifacts and several traits of glass.
  • Studied correlations and differences between chemical components and various types of glass artifacts.
  • Utilized independent sample t-tests to identify patterns in the chemical content of weathered and non-weathered samples based on glass type.
  • Established, evaluated, and applied a machine learning classification model to predict pre-weathering chemical composition based on weathering point detection data.
"Ruihua Insurance Cup" Internet Insurance Product Design Competition - Third Prize  

Jun 2022 - Jun 2022

Ranked 4th out of 20 teams.

Second Prize in the 1st Case Analysis Competition at Guangdong University of Finance and Economics  

Jun 2021 - Jun 2021

Ranked 2nd out of 136 teams.

Semi-finalist in "Chuangyi China · Meiling Cup"  

Jun 2021 - Sep 2021

Ranked within the top 50 out of 277 teams.

Third Prize in the 2021 Liby Innovation Challenge  

Jun 2021 - Sep 2021

Ranked 3rd out of 246 teams.


Dynamic Risk Management Portfolio System  

Sep 2024 - Present

The system selects the top 30 stocks in each sector using multiple risk assessment indicators and various scoring methods to build portfolios. Data is updated every third weekend of each month, portfolio performance is evaluated, new portfolios are constructed, and continuous improvements are made.

Global Market Insights and Smart Stock Recommendation  

Jan 2024 - Present

This Python-based system leverages real-time data ingestion, feature engineering, and machine learning models to generate personalized stock recommendations. It processes market trends, historical data, and user profiles, delivering daily global market reports and recommendations via automated email.

Ensemble Learning for Quantitative Investment  

Dec 2023 - Jun 2024

Utilized deep learning models such as LSTM, RNN, and Transformer for ensemble learning to optimize quantitative investment strategies with enhanced accuracy and efficiency.

Research on Hog Futures and Spot Hog Prices  

Dec 2023 - May 2024

Selected appropriate variables and constructed a VAR model based on collected weekly average data. Employed cointegration tests, Granger causality tests, and impulse response analysis to investigate the short-term volatility patterns of hog futures on spot hog prices in China, and conducted risk measurement.